The present study departs from PhD tradition, it pioneers exciting and challenging ways to conduct research within the field of design, and area of post-subcultural discourse. This study is a practice-based research project, which can be better understood through Linda Candy and Ernest Edmonds’s definition of practice and of research. In their 2018 paper ‘Practice-Based Research in the Creative Arts’ they define practice as: “Practice that is creative is characterized not only by a focus on creating something new but also by the way that the making process itself leads to a transformation in the ideas—which in turn leads to new works” (Candy, Edmonds, 2018). Their definition of practice is vital while positioning the design and organisation of an independent record label as the “process” which can lead to the “transformation” of ideas. The process of organising a platform, inherently supports, influences and guides the conception of “ideas” which emerge from the participants of the label, typically as music productions. Candy and Ernest go on to suggest that research is: “a systematic investigation to establish facts, test theories and reach new knowledge or new understandings” (Candy, Edmonds, 2018) They are keen to evoke the notion that research and practice are not the same process but rather a tension between the two exists in order to effectively create new knowledge, with regards to this notion we can consider that the practice conducted by the present study is performed physically through Sunbird Records in the form of signing artists, creating, releasing and distributing music, through hosting events at the label’s venue, through organising and supporting artists through its recording studio etc. while the research can be considered to be conducted through the present studies thesis. All of which are conveniently documented and archived on the label’s primary digital platform and website